Tuesday 4 September 2012

Made in Mearns :O))

After the event I realized I have loads of handmade crafts ...still I wish I photographed every item I have ever made.... :O)))

Friday 27 July 2012

Lovely lovely day in the woods today!! Weather was fantastic!

Monday 14 May 2012

4 years ago I began an incredible life journey of motherhood..The unknown exciting destination lined with frustration, tiredness, new tasks and duties...trip to wisedom and responsibility ...everlasting unconditional love and affection...Test to the limits...Finding the strongest and weakest points within them and myself...Not wanting to be anywhere else..Cherishing the past ...Challenging the presence and Looking forward to the future... ... We live in the world where we can buy things instead of creating...We can go places instead make places come to us....I want to give you something that I was given long time ago....The imagination..The world I used to live in...where there was no supermarkets...No oceans of toys...Where our endless hours of childhood and freedom created lands and castles as colourful as rainbow...Where flowers and plants were inspiration for outfits interiors and stories...I want to give you time to sit down on this swing and think about what you can have if you choose to want it... Happy Birthday my Girl...
We were looking for accesories for our holidays in France...Girls got very very excited and happy that last years hats still fit!!! Ready to go :O))

My Hills...and Fields...and Trees...and Seas...

We were determined to go the beach and have a bbq, though weather was not too favourable...We almost did...when I realized I didn`t take my jacket...so it was rather nippy! Kids were having fun though...so we had a loop walk and went back stopping at Lee for a tea...

Tuesday 17 April 2012

A little experiment...

to check if Eileen would like some baby rice...and she did...for some reason she thought it was coming out of her hands so she kept sucking them afterwards!! ha ha ha!!!
Well this must be said - this is an end of the era...She is growing...And my heart is filling up with that certain kind sadness that only mums know...maybe time to play lotto...Because if I won I know I would keep having babies until my menopause...which is quite some time yet :O))))